Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu and the "CAFO" Effect

It's in all the news reports. Swine flu. I think most of us know that it's the inhumane, crowded conditions of factory farms that spread disease, not only to other animals but to humans as well. Just like the scares of e coli bacteria on spinach and alfalfa sprouts. Do plants produce e coli? Or is it the farm next door that contaminate the crops? Who gets blamed and suffers the consequences of this contamination? And instead of "don't eat spinach (or sprouts) it's bad for you" shouldn't we be hearing "There is ongoing investigations of nearby farm industries to stop the abuse of our land through unsafe manure spreading practices which lead to crop contamination."

As you know, the factory farm siting will affect the area around our farm, but I have been studying natural medicine for years and have always been against the inhumane treatment of animals. Is it a surprise to me that another disease is spreading? No. And now, at least some intelligent people are coming out & admitting that the factory farms are responsible in great part for the mutations that causes animal disease to spread to humans.

Here are a few links to stories in today's papers...

Shouldn't the governments in all countries that allow these factory farms to exist be looking into more closely regulating them or better yet, stop the siting of new CAFOs?


The cottage by the Cranelake said...

Yes they should! and perhaps they finnaly starts to reakt now? We have a saying here "Nothing bad that doesn´t lead to something good". Let us hope that this leads to the end of CAFOs!

SkippyMom said...

Be careful - some people still think you can get swine flu from eating pork - you can't - but it seems from your post they could.

[sorry, that is what I understood, without reading the links]

I understand your absolute frustration with the CAFO, but government/lobbying is too strong to ever do away with them.

I do wish that they don't end up in your hamlet. But that particular one is going to go somewhere.

So sad.

SkippyMom said...

ETA - You give the impression ...sorry...

Blondie's Journal said...

It takes a catastrophe to get the government to listen up.

Thanks Barb.


Zan Asha said...

I agree---the government is too busy staring at dollar signs to realize the right and common-sense thing to do. I would try to forward all of this info to your town council with that warning. Maybe it will help?

A Bit of Colour said...

Yes they should, maybe this will open their eyes.

Barb said...

Hi SkippyMom...I didn't mean to give that impression. Sorry. It is the "unnatural setting" that is linked to the diseases. If I did eat meat though, I would only eat from a local, safe source. I've said it many times, we only have one body, we need to take care of it. We really don't get to "trade it in for a new one" :-)

ChristyACB said...

CAFO's and other intensive operations for breeding and the like do play a huge role in development of disease. Because they pass it around in such a tight group, there is more likely to develop a mutation (since most viruses mutate within each new host) and an animal that receives the mutation that has a new and more harmful property. The poor sanitation means that a lot of the human nasties and animal nasties come together, making it even worse.

There is no question that CAFOs play a role in animal disease, maybe in human disease, development. There is also no question the govt understands this. But, alas, there is also no question that this will ever be given any validation or press because there is way too much money to be made that way.

Sue said...

I so agree with talks unfortunatly, and I don't see these horrid places going away unless DEMAND forces them to. And by demand, I mean NOT BUYING the beef, pork, or chickens that are raised in this manner. And most people will take price over quality. Its unfortunate, but true.

Unknown said...

There's too much money to be made in factory farming for any government to make a real effort to change. How sad for all of us.

Money talks so vote with your purse and don't buy factory farmed meat.

No doubt hospitals worldwide will be filling up today with people who caught a cold or have a sniffle and have convinced themselves they have swine flu!

Whatever next??!!


Lajaw said...

I've got two 500 ft. broiler houses going in behind me, about 1000 ft. from the house. If they get built, I'll be moving.
It has been shown that where CAFO's are, infant mortality has gone up. Seems to be caused from the air pollution. I'm not willing to risk my children's health for the profit of my neighbor.

Barb said...

Brushy Creek Farm...if you see this email me at I would love to hear your story.