Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Map of the Property Owned by Petry (CAFO)

I thought I would give you an idea of where the possible CAFO sites are in relation to our farm.
See the itty bitty green rectangle? That's our 12 little acres of paradise. The big red areas are land owned by Petry Trust (the CAFO man from Illinois). Now you can tell what I mean when I say we're surrounded :-(
I did get an email from Valley Stewardship Network this afternoon stating that surveying has been stopped on the site by the Amish school and organic beef farm. That is the site to the left of our farm. They are now looking at the site on the map south of our farm. Apparently they are getting pressure from other large operators to make themselves less visible "not be right out on the highway in plain view". The new site is on the gravel road southeast of our farm. God forbid they want people to actually see the cruelty of the operation.
So we are happy for the organic beef farmer & the Amish school and now concerned about the people living near the next proposed site (yes, that's us, too) and still the Amish who travel the roads in their buggies and walk to school. The only good outcome is if they decide not to site it. Anywhere.


Granny said...

I hope you can continue to gain support to put pressure on the CAFO. I would be posting on every farming and homesteading forum around to make people aware of this. There is a forum called Homesteading Today that has a number of people who live in Wisconsin. I will post a link to your blog for people to read about it. Hope this helps.

ChristyACB said...

Keep up the pressure! From that map, they are trying to site this nightmare far too close to a large number of small to medium operations and that is simply not good. Those operations should really be outlawed anyway.

Anonymous said...

You really are in the middle of all those sites. Thank goodness there is one less to contend with. Which way does the wind blow? I know this sounds silly, but would be important to you and your air quality. I hope continued pressure will prevent any of these sites to become one of those disgusting operations...debbie

Judy T said...

At least one is evidently out of the running. One down, three to go. You really are surrounded. Good luck with the battle.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

You really are surrounded by these sights. But one is gone and that is a small winning after all! As Happy d Days wonders, from where does the wind blow? Very important when it comes to Your air quality. Have You sent letters to different editors? Scream as loud as You can since they don´t want to be seen!
Keep up Your spirit and keep on fighting!

angie said...

Yuck - you are definitely stuck in the middle!

Barb said...

Thanks Granny, I will check out that forum & thanks for posting the link. Every bit helps.
I agree Christy.
Hi Debbie...I haven't been able to get that info as of yet. They will be spreading the manure on all their sites though & on other farmer's land that will allow them too.
Thanks Judy..I wish it was over.
Christer..good advice! Hiding is what they want so they won't be scrutinized.
Angie... yea..it's a tough position to be in