Saturday, April 4, 2009

At The Farm

We are here at the farm this weekend. Tonight is a benefit for Rose Barlow who is dying of a rare form of cancer. We'll be attending that & heading home before the storm hits. It's either that or wait until Monday and we both have appointments that day.
I am hoping to find out more information about the CAFO siting tonight. We talked to one of the neighbors when we got here yesterday & she seems to think it's a done deal where ever he wants to put it. It is the state & federal's jurisdiction. The county can't stop it. I hope that's not the case.
Steve is working on another wall today. We had a talk last night & he doesn't want to stop working on the barn. He said we'll just take our chances & see what happens. I am still torn. We have put a lot of our sweat & money into this adventure. Like I said, I'm torn.
I went to a feed store today and bought organic yellow clover & organic hull-less oats. The clover is for the orchard and the oats for the new garden area as a cover crop to norish the soil (and for food). Then to the food co-op to do the usual stocking up. When I got home I spread the clover seed (before the rain hits).
Tomorrow I'll post some pictures of our progress this weekend & anything we find out tonight about the CAFO.
Thank you everyone for supportive comments. They are very appreciated.


Zan Asha said...

Wow, I am so sorry to hear about Rose, and about the CAFO situation. I think I will devote the next farm blog to your situation. I really don't think people are so aware of what is going on in this country regarding our fragile and precious land resources. Big hugs to you.

Judy T said...

Hugs and positive thoughts are heading your way. I do hope the CAFO isn't a done deal and it can still be fought.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

We'll be sending good thoughts your way in hopes that the huge federal and state gov don't allow such a business to prevail.

Anonymous said...

We went to our house in the mountains this weekend too! Weather was rather soggy and very windy. It's amazing what all our government will do without any regard for anybody but themselves. The heck with the children, the heck with neighboring farms, the heck with the humane treatment of animals. I am glad you are going ahead with your remodeling. Hope is not lost until the fat lady sings and the cows move in...debbie.

The cottage by the Cranelake said...

I really hope that the CAFO isn´t a done deal! Just keep fighting!